Posts tagged advocate
An Entire Community In Mourning

As a member of the Down syndrome community, I’m heartbroken and outraged at the same time. As a mother, I’m scared of the world my children are being raised in. As an individual who cares, I’m pissed off that there isn’t more awareness being made focusing on these three kids. Why are these cases not national news? Why don’t they get the same attention as any other murdered child?

For those reasons, I’m going to share the information I’ve found on two of these cases below (you can find information on Kylee Willis here – Adam Hughes’ preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 19th, 2020. He has been charged with “assault on a child causing death.”) and the link that includes the contact information for those working on each case as well as examples of the letters that you can send if you’d like to reach out and help make a difference.

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"More Alike Than Different:" What Does it Actually Mean?

There are a lot of different mantras or phrases that come along with the Down syndrome community: "the lucky few," "downright perfect," etc. One of these phrases is "more alike than different."

When Alice was born and someone told me that she will be "more alike than different" and said that she would walk, talk, go to school, etc., it did give me a lot of relief. I was happy that she wouldn't be an outcast.

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Patsy Christy: Possibility of Shock Parole

On January 10, 2019, Patsy and Albert Christy plead guilty to wreckless homicide for abusing and neglecting their son, Logan, for 20 years until their abuse lead to his death. Logan was kept in his room with a padlock on the door. The window to his room was shattered, the floor covered with glass and feces, since he was locked in and unable to use the restroom. Logan had been starved, and kept from water. At the time of his death, he had also contracted pneumonia, most likely from the winter air coming through his broken window. For all of this, Patsy and Albert Christy were each only sentenced to 5 years in prison with the option for parole by the following April.

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The Eradication of Down Syndrome; The Facts And How To Change It

“In Iceland, every single baby – 100 percent of all those diagnosed with Down syndrome – are aborted”. (Bell, L. 2017, para 2). The statistics are chilling, and the rest of the world is not far behind, “98% in Denmark, 90% in Great Britain and the USA” (Bell, L. 2017, para. 6-7). Advocates and families of children with the gift of Down syndrome are shouting their child’s worth in any forum possible, in hopes of saving a life that is truly worth living. Having a child with a disability can be challenging, but, also one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences to be encountered. Children with Down syndrome teach patience, unconditional love, how to see abilities, not disability; and that a person’s worth is not measured by their intelligence or societal standing, but, by their determination, capacity to spread kindness and joy and to truly see the good in everyone. The medical community needs to be educated on how to deliver a complete diagnosis that presents the positive side of a life with Down syndrome to expectant families. 

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